Student Names:
Sarah Nam
Wendy Tang
Vincent Liu
Project Title:
Touch Fish!
Sarah Nam
Wendy Tang
Vincent Liu
Project Title:
Touch Fish!
Project Description:
We started our journey from a website on Hyperakt titled ‘You Waste a Lot of Time at Work.’ It caught our attention due to its more lighthearted portrayal of the office work-life and the more unconventional focus and encouragement of the unproductive side of work. We were all in favor of expanding on this topic as our theme and diverged our ideas using the FigJam moodboard. The brainstorming brought about a popular Chinese idiom called “浑水摸鱼.”
“Touching Fish” is a literal translation of the chinese idiom, which is often shortened to just “摸鱼,” a colloquial term used to describe someone who is slacking off, idling, or not working diligently. It’s often used in a work or school context when someone is not being productive and is instead wasting time, goofing off, or engaging in unproductive activities while they should be working or studying. In essence, it means to “slack off” or “procrastinate”. This term has become popular in internet culture and informal conversations to describe activities where someone is avoiding responsibilities or tasks.
We started our journey from a website on Hyperakt titled ‘You Waste a Lot of Time at Work.’ It caught our attention due to its more lighthearted portrayal of the office work-life and the more unconventional focus and encouragement of the unproductive side of work. We were all in favor of expanding on this topic as our theme and diverged our ideas using the FigJam moodboard. The brainstorming brought about a popular Chinese idiom called “浑水摸鱼.”
“Touching Fish” is a literal translation of the chinese idiom, which is often shortened to just “摸鱼,” a colloquial term used to describe someone who is slacking off, idling, or not working diligently. It’s often used in a work or school context when someone is not being productive and is instead wasting time, goofing off, or engaging in unproductive activities while they should be working or studying. In essence, it means to “slack off” or “procrastinate”. This term has become popular in internet culture and informal conversations to describe activities where someone is avoiding responsibilities or tasks.