Student Name: Hannah Diamond
Project Title: Process Book-Research Publication
Project Title: Process Book-Research Publication
Project Description:
Immediately, I knew I wanted to create a publication that contained many separate parts. This semester was nothing short of a struggle for me. I had just started a new job in December and was working full-time for the first time since beginning this graduate program. Finding myself occasionally overwhelmed with my workload, I had to enact a fairly strict schedule to make sure I maintained my mental health while also producing work I was proud of. With every new project, I took the time to break up my work and use this time to wrap my mind around my intentions before diving in — splitting this research publication into separate pieces felt very honest to the way I worked.
Immediately, I knew I wanted to create a publication that contained many separate parts. This semester was nothing short of a struggle for me. I had just started a new job in December and was working full-time for the first time since beginning this graduate program. Finding myself occasionally overwhelmed with my workload, I had to enact a fairly strict schedule to make sure I maintained my mental health while also producing work I was proud of. With every new project, I took the time to break up my work and use this time to wrap my mind around my intentions before diving in — splitting this research publication into separate pieces felt very honest to the way I worked.