Student Name: Jesse Finkelstein
Project Title: Feel What You Feel
Project Title: Feel What You Feel
Project Description:
To be completely honest, one of the hardest parts about design school is the open-endedness of the prompts. When we first started this project, I had absolutely no idea where I wanted to end up. I tried to take things one class at a time and figured I could worry about the rest as it came up, speaking with the faculty as necessary. I will say that while I may have been a bit confused about the process while going through it, I am thankful for all of the weeks we spent brainstorming because it helped me get my ideas flowing for this most recent stage.
To be completely honest, one of the hardest parts about design school is the open-endedness of the prompts. When we first started this project, I had absolutely no idea where I wanted to end up. I tried to take things one class at a time and figured I could worry about the rest as it came up, speaking with the faculty as necessary. I will say that while I may have been a bit confused about the process while going through it, I am thankful for all of the weeks we spent brainstorming because it helped me get my ideas flowing for this most recent stage.