Student Names: Kira Ajas and Perry Sosi
Project Title: Sounds of Comfort
Project Title: Sounds of Comfort
Project Description:
Kira: This assignment required us to make an animation with a sound that expresses our theme. Perry and I were unsure where to start. After some brainstorming, we thought a great idea is to express sounds that make us feel not alone. Though that as a title isn’t very snappy, it doesn’t roll off the tongue very well. So after a little more discussion that led us to the broader theme of Sounds of Comfort. A better title and an easier theme to work from.
Perry: How can we visualize vibrations that travel through physical space, into our ears, and are processed by our brain to form a variety of meaning and emotion? That alone, is difficult to think through, but then imagine having the restraint of using only typographic forms to create this visualization. That was the task for the Sight of Sound project, and although it felt restrained at first, there was actually so much freedom within the process of creating the animation and print deliverables for this project.
The starting point for this project began with deciding on a theme for the sounds Kira and I would explore visualizing. The two initial ideas that we had were sounds that make you feel like the main character and sounds that make you feel not alone. After some further brainstorming, we decided on the name Sounds of Comfort as a phrase that encapsulated the feeling of our topic.
Kira: This assignment required us to make an animation with a sound that expresses our theme. Perry and I were unsure where to start. After some brainstorming, we thought a great idea is to express sounds that make us feel not alone. Though that as a title isn’t very snappy, it doesn’t roll off the tongue very well. So after a little more discussion that led us to the broader theme of Sounds of Comfort. A better title and an easier theme to work from.
Perry: How can we visualize vibrations that travel through physical space, into our ears, and are processed by our brain to form a variety of meaning and emotion? That alone, is difficult to think through, but then imagine having the restraint of using only typographic forms to create this visualization. That was the task for the Sight of Sound project, and although it felt restrained at first, there was actually so much freedom within the process of creating the animation and print deliverables for this project.
The starting point for this project began with deciding on a theme for the sounds Kira and I would explore visualizing. The two initial ideas that we had were sounds that make you feel like the main character and sounds that make you feel not alone. After some further brainstorming, we decided on the name Sounds of Comfort as a phrase that encapsulated the feeling of our topic.