Student Name: Morgan Recker, Abby Fenn, Mariana Velasquez, Ivan Reyes
Project Title: Protest: Impact & Empathy
Project Title: Protest: Impact & Empathy
Project Description:
As a group, we struggled with discussing, questioning, and critiquing design, design critique, and design education. It felt pointless, especially at a time like this when the world feels so unstable. What was the point of trying to describe why design is meaningful and impactful through design that felt meaningless? In order to get past this overbearing feeling of pointlessness, we decided to turn the project into an exercise in experimentation and play. We took the pressure off design and just created things for the sake of creating them; each print became a response to the barriers of design we experience and wrestle with as design students.
As a group, we struggled with discussing, questioning, and critiquing design, design critique, and design education. It felt pointless, especially at a time like this when the world feels so unstable. What was the point of trying to describe why design is meaningful and impactful through design that felt meaningless? In order to get past this overbearing feeling of pointlessness, we decided to turn the project into an exercise in experimentation and play. We took the pressure off design and just created things for the sake of creating them; each print became a response to the barriers of design we experience and wrestle with as design students.