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0.0 | Abstract
Shift, in concept and method, is a view on empirically based graphic design. Inviting constant shifts of perspective-from one place, position...
0.1 – 0.2 | Point of View When I was fourteen, my family went on a trip to Kona, Hawaii, and I brought my first video camera with me, a Sony HI8 HandyCam; I was rarely...

0.3 – 0.5 | MethodologyBefore coming to graduate school, I spent eleven years working at a graphic design/brand strategy firm. We used qualitative and quantitative process models...
0.6 | Full CircleOn August 3, 2011, my daughter Joy was born. Seeing her develop an awareness of her environment, while I am simultaneously developing my thesis...

0.7 | Interview with Vaughan OliverVaughan Oliver is an award-winning, legendary graphic designer, artist and author of several books, including...
1.0–1.1 | Input: Accumulate InspirationComing back to school after eleven years in the professional field was daunting and uncomfortable...

1.2–1.3 | Ephemera Collection
Any one of the ninety-five previous objects could be a piece of trash or a spark of inspiration. Each object has the ability to be examined, studied...
1.4–1.5 | Form + Content = Graphic DesignEphemera Collection is just a small sampling of everyday objects that inspire me; initially, they inspire me in a...

1.6–1.7 | Wabi-Sabi
Wabi-Sabi can be called a comprehensive aesthetic system. The more systematic and clearly defined the components of an aesthetic system are, the...
1.8 | Tools of CaptureBeyond accumulating physical objects and written words in my database, I am also passionately accumulating still and moving images. I use a range of...

1.9 | Interview with Daniel Paluska
Dan Paluska is an artist, engineer and educator who works with kinetic, robotic, and cultural systems…
2.0–2.2 | Output: Transform AwarenessThere is a gap that drives awareness in my work. It’s the phase in my process where I transform my awareness…

2.3 | Commute
Spark Sometimes the most obvious spark of inspiration is in front of our eyes. Commute was the first studio project I worked on in the Fall, 2010...
2.4 | Color-aid Cut-upIndeterminacy Color-aid Cut-up, is a stop-motion video that uses Color-aid paper, an excerpt of Gertrude Stein’s avant-garde poem, Tender Buttons and....

2.5 | fail sail
Uncovering an Archive fail sail begins with an investigation in the Lownes Science Collection within the John Hay Library at Brown…
2.6 | Twenty-Four Hour TouristHeterotopia In an essay by novelist Alan Lightman, he describes one of Einstein’s dreams as “a place where time stands still: the place where...

2.7 | Everyday Observations: Light
Embrace Limitations With access to the camera on my iPhone in my pocket at all times, I’m able to collect a visual archive of my…
2.8 | 13/13You don’t have to have the final solution, and that shouldn’t stop you from accumulating inspiration or ways of seeing. — Vaughan Oliver Liminality 13/13 is an...

2.10 Blink
There can be as much value in the blink of an eye as in months of rational analysis. — Malcolm Gladwell Subconscious Intuition Every year during the first…
2.11 | Incarceration VacationEnjoying the Ride Michel de Certeau’s The Practice of Everyday Life explores the everyday operating in society. He describes strategies an...

2.12 | Burroughs Time-Lapse
Process of Observation In my interview with Daniel Paluska, he said, “…time-lapse makes me think about the pace of life and how I interact with the…
2.13 | Vertov Time-LapseDziga Vertov’s 1929 film, Man With a Movie Camera, is a brave attempt at visual epistemology, to reinterpret the often banal and seemingly insignificant...

2.14 | HITE ScreenMake something which cannot ‘perform’ without the assistance of its environment. Make something which the ‘spectator’ handles, with which he…
2.15 | Panopticon of JoyFalse Security In Discipline and Punish, philosopher Michel Foucault builds on philosopher Jeremy Bentham’s conceptualization of...

2.16 | Interview (excerpt)
with Ben Fry
Ben Fry is principal of Fathom Information Design, a design and software consultancy located in Boston. He received his…
3.0 | Next StopFor two years, I’ve commuted to Grad school from Boston to Providence by rail. The initially redundant trip has become a peaceful…

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