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Random Actor is an innovative software tool initiated by Clay Hopper and James Grady at Boston University, aimed at revolutionizing interactive media design. This groundbreaking solution enables users, including theatrical designers, artists, and more, to create dynamic, immersive media environments without the need for extensive coding
expertise. By incorporating computational vision, projection mapping, MIDI control, and machine learning into a user-friendly interface, Random Actor democratizes interactive design, making it accessible to a wide range of industries from theater to corporate events and gaming therapy models.


0.0 | Abstract
Shift, in concept and method, is a view on empirically based graphic design. Inviting constant shifts of perspective-from one place, position...
0.1 – 0.2 | Point of View When I was fourteen, my family went on a trip to Kona, Hawaii, and I brought my first video camera with me, a Sony HI8 HandyCam; I was rarely...

0.3 – 0.5 | MethodologyBefore coming to graduate school, I spent eleven years working at a graphic design/brand strategy firm. We used qualitative and quantitative process models...
0.6 | Full CircleOn August 3, 2011, my daughter Joy was born. Seeing her develop an awareness of her environment, while I am simultaneously developing my thesis...

0.7 | Interview with Vaughan OliverVaughan Oliver is an award-winning, legendary graphic designer, artist and author of several books, including...
1.0–1.1 | Input: Accumulate InspirationComing back to school after eleven years in the professional field was daunting and uncomfortable...

1.2–1.3 | Ephemera Collection
Any one of the ninety-five previous objects could be a piece of trash or a spark of inspiration. Each object has the ability to be examined, studied...
1.4–1.5 | Form + Content = Graphic DesignEphemera Collection is just a small sampling of everyday objects that inspire me; initially, they inspire me in a...

1.6–1.7 | Wabi-Sabi
Wabi-Sabi can be called a comprehensive aesthetic system. The more systematic and clearly defined the components of an aesthetic system are, the...
1.8 | Tools of CaptureBeyond accumulating physical objects and written words in my database, I am also passionately accumulating still and moving images. I use a range of...

1.9 | Interview with Daniel Paluska
Dan Paluska is an artist, engineer and educator who works with kinetic, robotic, and cultural systems…
2.0–2.2 | Output: Transform AwarenessThere is a gap that drives awareness in my work. It’s the phase in my process where I transform my awareness…

2.3 | Commute
Spark Sometimes the most obvious spark of inspiration is in front of our eyes. Commute was the first studio project I worked on in the Fall, 2010...
2.4 | Color-aid Cut-upIndeterminacy Color-aid Cut-up, is a stop-motion video that uses Color-aid paper, an excerpt of Gertrude Stein’s avant-garde poem, Tender Buttons and....

2.5 | fail sail
Uncovering an Archive fail sail begins with an investigation in the Lownes Science Collection within the John Hay Library at Brown…
2.6 | Twenty-Four Hour TouristHeterotopia In an essay by novelist Alan Lightman, he describes one of Einstein’s dreams as “a place where time stands still: the place where...

2.7 | Everyday Observations: Light
Embrace Limitations With access to the camera on my iPhone in my pocket at all times, I’m able to collect a visual archive of my…
2.8 | 13/13You don’t have to have the final solution, and that shouldn’t stop you from accumulating inspiration or ways of seeing. — Vaughan Oliver Liminality 13/13 is an...

2.10 Blink
There can be as much value in the blink of an eye as in months of rational analysis. — Malcolm Gladwell Subconscious Intuition Every year during the first…
2.11 | Incarceration VacationEnjoying the Ride Michel de Certeau’s The Practice of Everyday Life explores the everyday operating in society. He describes strategies an...

2.12 | Burroughs Time-Lapse
Process of Observation In my interview with Daniel Paluska, he said, “…time-lapse makes me think about the pace of life and how I interact with the…
2.13 | Vertov Time-LapseDziga Vertov’s 1929 film, Man With a Movie Camera, is a brave attempt at visual epistemology, to reinterpret the often banal and seemingly insignificant...

2.14 | HITE ScreenMake something which cannot ‘perform’ without the assistance of its environment. Make something which the ‘spectator’ handles, with which he…
2.15 | Panopticon of JoyFalse Security In Discipline and Punish, philosopher Michel Foucault builds on philosopher Jeremy Bentham’s conceptualization of...

2.16 | Interview (excerpt)
with Ben Fry
Ben Fry is principal of Fathom Information Design, a design and software consultancy located in Boston. He received his…
3.0 | Next StopFor two years, I’ve commuted to Grad school from Boston to Providence by rail. The initially redundant trip has become a peaceful…

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